Vanessa Ramirez Verified Artist Portfolio
Verified Portfolio

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thebrianmanley User

Bipolar, misanthropic, stoic in training, coder for hire, designer toy obsessed, yak shaver, Not Invented Here sufferer, and I say 'fuck' a lot.

Otto Bjornik Artist

I am more than an illustrator. I am a storyteller. My tales are a rich mixture of precious childhood memories and fairy tales. I weave together lines to celebrate the beauty and elegance of nature ...

crazylikeafox11 User

I collect toys, dvds, play video games and somewhat recently got into comics. (I figure there's a lot of toys based off comic characters so why not start reading them?) Sometimes I have great...

masao626 User

Discovered "urban vinyl" and "low brow/popsurrealist art" in 2004. My obsessions include collecting art/art toys, being a mommy to my 4 kitties and eating. One day they will find my body under...

FrankenFactory User

Maker of things, dancing hermit, artist and avid attendee of Youtube University.

Cris Rose Artist

A London based artist that makes robots and takes photos

eeKs User

KCMO based artist, play dad to a lil' monster. Will update more from DT =]

Evilos User

Vinyl Toy Custom Artist. Evilos born and raised in So Cal. Using everything I could find as my canvas, my urban landscape is my playground.

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