Rich Kelly
Rich Kelly

Rich Kelly


Artist · 56 items

"Growing up I was always jealous of Richie. I only could suck my left thumb, but Richie enjoyed sucking both thumbs. So when I got a cut on my left thumb, I was all "dammit I wish I could suck both my thumbs like you." Richie is my mom's favorite and at one time there were more pictures of his girlfriend in the house than me and my other brother combined. The best part about Rich is that I've never seen him not help someone who needed it and never with reluctance. He is the most genuine person I've met and an excellent cooking partner. He's also a very talented illustrator and I hope that one day, when he is a household name, he will look back upon these positive comments and toss me some dough to buy a houseboat." -Trish Kelly, the artist's sister

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