How many artists live solely off selling their work?

Initially I was going to ask how many artists work 'full-time' on their art, but that seemed like a loaded question since many put in 40+ hours a week on top of their 'other' job(s). The reason I'm asking is that I don't think all of us fans/collectors realize that most of the artists that customize, make prints/art do so after they put in a full week at another job. It's simply amazing to me how much effort is constantly put into their work without any recognition on how little money they are making ... which to me shows how much passion they have to create. This is the main catalyst for our 'For the Love of Art' artist giveaway.

I guess Blake and I are kind of in the same boat. We both work 50+ hours in our day jobs consulting & building sites, but then we get home each night and every weekend to put in another 40+ hours on Trampt. Eventually I think we'd love to figure out a way to make this a full-time job, but that's still going to take a bunch of time and effort.

Anyway, there are a lot of artists on here and I was wondering if any of you had something to share on the topic. Perhaps your struggles or successes as an artist.


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7 Replies

God, I'd love to have a genuine conversation over what "living" means, haha! I currently work fulltime as a research paralegal, but when I was 21-23, I was almost entirely doing freelance art and theatre to support myself. Sure, that was a "living," but there's no way in hell I can go back to working 70-80hr weeks to pull in 15-20k a year! Especially not if I expect to live without roommates and eat something delicious on occasion.

My day job pays to house me, feed me, my health insurance, and the ability to go out for sushi a couple times a month(and I like my day job, so that's a plus). Right now, the art pays for itself, with a bit extra for the care and maintenance of my cat.

about 12 years ago · Comment ·


Necktie v good point! it's like he said - "full time" could mean any number of things! if only we could all pursue our interests without worrying about the other stuff :/ the world would be a better place. about 12 years ago

I am a full time artist. Many are surprised when they learn this. The reality is, i've had a lot of great support, fantastic fans and have been very lucky. 

No idea how i'd be able to do what i do with a full time job elsewhere as well, more props to them.


Cris Rose

  • Artist

about 12 years ago · Comment ·


keegan a You're one that I'm not surprised about. :) Usually the surprise for me is the opposite where I think someone is living solely off their art based on what their producing, but it turns out they still work at Starbucks during the day or something. about 12 years ago


Sawdust Bear (Shing Yin Khor) v I am also not surprised at all! You are one talented, productive dude. :) about 12 years ago


CrisR v aww.. thanks you guys :) about 12 years ago

ahahah, I can't even cover the cost of supplies. Live on, hahaha, good one. I workl 50 hrs a week in the super corporate world, and then cram as much art time in as my marriage will allow. I've turned up the heat recently, haven't used my xbox for a video game in 2012 yet at all, I've cancelled leisure time beyond the minimum time needed to allow my wife a semi-normal life. Sometimes I feel like I'm in prison, sometimes it feels great. I figured I'll give it another ten years and if it isn't at least breaking even (as in covering supplies and shipping) then I'll have to look into quitting or scaling back down to hobbyist hours.

about 12 years ago · Comment ·


keegan a Seems like we have the exact same plans. :) about 12 years ago

Well I am one of the ones with a day job. All the stuff I do for and  is beside my day job. I wish I could give up my day job, but I suck hard at everything what has to do with accounting, client management and all the back stuff you need to deal with for  running your own business.
This model has good and bad parts. The good part is that I can create everything I want for myself and do only the jobs that I want to do, having an monthly income that pays the bills. The bad part is the lack of time that makes it sometimes hard do accept jobs that are fun but that require a lot of time.
The other downside of the model is that I a can't go to different kind of events that will for sure help a lot of getting my stuff known.

about 12 years ago · Comment ·

This is a great conversation! I've been painting since i was a kid but i've only been a full time artist since about 2009, and starting out is the hardest part. Normally i spend between 12-16 hours a day in the studio, and the only day i take off is sunday (but i end up back in the studio around 8pm and work until like 4am). So anywhere from 80 to 104 hours a week i spend making stuff, but this does include e-mails, forums, facebook, cleanup, shipping, website maintenance, blogging, etc. not just painting or sculpting. Honestly, if i had another job it would put a massive hinder on my creativity and i wouldn't get much of anything art related done, and it would be crap because i hate the consumer driven world and since that is what i would have to deal with at work... you get it. 

If we got into the conversation of hourly wages, it would just make me depressed. I get told all the time i should start charging people an hourly wage for my art, and we all know it doesn't work like that. It's not about how much money you make (even though it's a neccessary evil), but how many people you touch with your art. To me, a well thought out comment about a piece of my art is way more valuable than any amount of money.

about 12 years ago · Comment ·

Well having a love for making art and collecting it with an average day job can take its toll.  More times then not it's a choice between art supplies sense their def. not cheap these days or adding something new to the collection.   



  • Artist

about 12 years ago · Comment ·


Easily_Amused What do supplies run? I've never shopped them. about 12 years ago


ArdabusRubber v Based on my order history for Dick Blick, every month i spend around $400-600 in supplies, not including the toys to paint on. It's pretty expensive, and i'm sure that's on the low end of the spectrum. about 12 years ago


Easily_Amused Wow, I didn't know the supplies were that expensive. Do they do bulk orders? If so, have you considered buying with other artists in your area that you know? about 12 years ago


ArdabusRubber v I usually buy in bulk, and Dick Blick is normally 25-50% lower price than anywhere else. normal price on dick blick is still cheaper than bulk from any other store lol about 12 years ago


Easily_Amused That is funny! about 12 years ago

Thank you for asking the question! As a collector who only sees these works through the web and only knows what the artists shares about the process, I find myself wondering this alot. I also wonder how many artists are self taught versus formally trained? For me it is all about the creation and not much else really matters, but it helps understand where the artist comes from.

about 12 years ago · Comment ·

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