What a Day For a Daydream from Eric PauseCustom 8" Dunny from Eric Pause

  • Posted on: July 19, 2012 @ 3:55PM
  • Published in: New Releases

I sent an email to Eric Pause about this custom Dunny probably about 30 seconds after he added it to the library. First was to see if it was potentially for sale and if I could buy it, secondly was to ask for a little back story on the concept. Not sure if this was for a commission, an upcoming show, or just Eric being a general badass. I only gave him about 5 minutes to write me back, because I really wanted to share this guy with you guys asap. If he returns my email I will add an update to this post. Awesome stuff man.

from Eric:
It was a commissioned piece. He said I could do whatever I wanted to, but it would be cool if I could give it a Canadian theme since he's from Canada. So without obviously choosing a moose, a beaver, a mountie, or Celine Dion, I went with the next stereotype in line which of course is a Lumberjack.

I wanted to incorporate a lot of wood into it, and originally wanted to do the whole head out of a block of wood. Then I came to my senses and decided to just make the thought bubble, tree trunks, and axes from wood.

The clothing was from scratch as well. It took many tries to get them to fit properly. For the boots, I actually bought a pair of work boots and chopped them up pretty severely, and the hair I had to put on one at a time.

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  • What_a_day_for_a_daydream_from_eric_pause-custom_8_dunny_from_eric_pause-trampt-766t
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