Turtum Micci - Wave 3 Series Portfolio

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Prepare yourself for Turtum Micci Wave 3New Release: Erick Scarecrow drop 7 new colors for his popular Turtum Micci figure

Over the last year or so I've not been a big fan of collecting small toys and I'm not sure why. It probably has something to do with how hard it is to display a bunch of them at once. With that said, the only smallest figure sitting in my cabinet is Erick Scarecrow's OG Turtum Micci I bought at the ESC Toy booth at NYCC 2011. He's so badass how could I deny him prime cabinet real estate. If you missed out on the first two waves be prepared for Turtum Micci Wave 3 to drop this Friday 4/20 at 11am EST.... [ read more ]

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